Source code for rapa.utils

from . import config

import datarobot as dr
from datarobot.errors import ClientError

import pickle

import logging
from warnings import warn
from warnings import catch_warnings
from datarobot.models import featurelist

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from statistics import mean
from statistics import median

from collections import defaultdict
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sb

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def find_project(project: str) -> dr.Project: """Uses the DataRobot api to find a current project. Uses datarobot.Project.get() and dr.Project.list() to test if 'project' is either an id or possibly a name of a project in DataRobot, then returns the project found. :Parameters: ---------- project: str Either a project id or a search term for project name :Returns: ---------- datarobot.Project A datarobot project object that is either the project with the id provided, or the first/only project returned by searching by project name. Returns None if the list is empty. """ project = str(project) # make sure the project id/name provided is a string return_project = None try: # try finding project with id return_project = dr.Project.get(project_id=project) return return_project except ClientError: # id was not provided, most likely a name project_list = dr.Project.list(search_params={'project_name': project}) if len(project_list) == 0: # probably wrong id, check id? raise Exception(f"No projects found with id/string of \'{project}\'") elif len(project_list) == 1: # found one project with search, good return project_list[0] else: # more than one project was found warn(f"Returning the first of multiple projects with \'{project}\': {project_list}") return project_list[0]
[docs]def get_best_model(project: dr.Project, featurelist_prefix: str = None, starred: bool = False, metric: str = None, fold: str = 'crossValidation', highest: bool = None) -> dr.Model: """Attempts to find the 'best' model in a datarobot by searching cross validation scores of all the models in a supplied project. # TODO make dictionary for minimize/maximize CURRENTLY SUPPORTS METRICS WHERE HIGHER = BETTER .. warning:: Actually finding the 'best' model takes more than averageing cross validation scores, and it is suggested that the 'best' model is decided and starred in DataRobot. (Make sure 'starred = True' if starring the 'best' model) .. note:: Some models may not have scores for the supplied fold because they were not run. These models are ignored by this function. Make sure all models of interest have scores for the fold being provided if those models should be considered. :Parameters: ---------- project: datarobot.Project The project object that will be searched for the 'best' model featurelist_prefix: str, optional (default = None) The desired featurelist prefix used to search in for models using specific rapa featurelists starred: bool, optional (default = False) If True, return the starred model. If there are more than one starred models, then warn the user and return the 'best' one metric: str, optional (default = 'AUC' or 'RMSE') [classification and regression] What model metric to use when finding the 'best' fold: str, optional (default = 'crossValidation') The fold of data used in DataRobot. Options are as follows: ['validation', 'crossValidation', 'holdout', 'training', 'backtestingScores', 'backtesting'] highest: bool, optional (default for classification = True, default for regression = False) Whether to take the highest value (highest = True), or the lowest value (highest = False). Change this when assumed switch is :Returns: ---------- datarobot.Model A datarobot model that is either the 'best', starred, or the 'best' of the starred models from the provided datarobot project """ # if metric is missing, assume a metric if metric == None: if project.target_type == dr.TARGET_TYPE.BINARY or project.target_type == dr.TARGET_TYPE.MULTICLASS: # classification metric = 'AUC' elif project.target_type == dr.TARGET_TYPE.REGRESSION: # regression metric = 'RMSE' # if highest is missing, assume a direction if highest == None: if project.target_type == dr.TARGET_TYPE.BINARY or project.target_type == dr.TARGET_TYPE.MULTICLASS: # classification highest = True elif project.target_type == dr.TARGET_TYPE.REGRESSION: highest = False scores = [] #### get scores # set featurelist_prefix to '' for ease of use in code if not starred: # the model(s) is/are not starred if featurelist_prefix == None: featurelist_prefix = '' for model in project.get_models(): current_model_score = model.metrics[metric][fold] # get the score for the metric and fold if model.featurelist_name.startswith(featurelist_prefix) and current_model_score: # if the model is scored in this fold, and it was created with the featurelist we are looking at scores.append((current_model_score, model)) # add the model score and model object to a list else: # the model(s) is/are starred if featurelist_prefix == None: featurelist_prefix = '' for model in project.get_models(): current_model_score = model.metrics[metric][fold] # get the score for the metric and fold if model.is_starred and model.featurelist_name.startswith(featurelist_prefix) and current_model_score: # if the model is scored in this fold, and it was created with the featurelist we are looking at scores.append((current_model_score, model)) # add the model score and model object to a list #### find the best scores # check that there are any models if len(scores) > 1: # multiple models return sorted(scores, key=lambda tup: tup[0], reverse=highest)[0][1] # sort by first item in the tuples elif len(scores) == 1: # one model return scores[0][1] else: # no models raise Exception(f"No models found. \n Parameters: project=`{project}`, metric=`{metric}`, fold=`{fold}`, featurelist_prefix=`{featurelist_prefix}`, starred=`{starred}`, highest=`{highest}`")
# alias for get_best_model
[docs]def get_starred_model(project: dr.Project, metric: str = None, featurelist_prefix: str = None) -> dr.Model: """Alias for rapa.utils.get_best_model() but makes starred = True """ return get_best_model(project, starred = True, metric = metric, featurelist_prefix = featurelist_prefix)
[docs]def initialize_dr_api(token_key: str = None, file_path: str = 'data/dr-tokens.pkl', endpoint: str = ''): """Initializes the DataRobot API with a pickled dictionary created by the user. .. warning: It is advised that the user keeps the pickled dictionary in an ignored directory if using GitHub (put the file in the .gitignore) Accesses a file that should be a pickled dictionary. This dictionary has the API token as the value to the provided token_key. Ex: {token_key: 'API_TOKEN'} :Parameters: ---------- token_key: str The API token's key in the pickled dictionary located in file_path file_path: str, optional (default = 'data/dr-tokens.pkl') Path to the pickled dictionary containing the API token endpoint: str, optional (default = '') The endpoint is usually the URL you would use to log into the DataRobot Web User Interface """ # load pickled dictionary and initialize api, catching FileNotFound, KeyError, and failed authentication warning try: datarobot_tokens = pickle.load(open(file_path, 'rb')) with catch_warnings(record=True) as w: # appends warning to w if warning occurs dr.Client(endpoint=endpoint, token=datarobot_tokens[token_key]) if not not w: # check to see if w is not None or empty (has a warning) raise Exception(w[0].message) else: pass except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError(f'The file {file_path} does not exist.') # TODO: Make a tutorial on how to create the pickled dictionary with api tokens and link here except KeyError: raise KeyError(f'\'{token_key}\' is not in the dictionary at \'{file_path}\'') # TODO: I probably didn't catch all errors, make tests for this print(f'DataRobot API initiated with endpoint \'{endpoint}\'')
[docs]def get_featurelist(featurelist: str, project: dr.Project) -> dr.Featurelist: """Uses the DataRobot api to search for a desired featurelist. Uses datarobot.Project.get_featurelists() to retrieve all the featurelists in the project. Then, it searches the list for id's, and if it doesn't find any, it searches the list again for names. Returns the first project it finds. :Parameters: ---------- featurelist: str Either a featurelist id or a search term for featurelist name project: datarobot.Project The project that is being searched for the featurelist :Returns: ---------- datarobot.Featurelist The featurelist that was found. Returns None if no featurelist is found """ featurelist = str(featurelist) # cast to string just in case id is an int or something featurelists = project.get_featurelists() dr_featurelist = [x for x in featurelists if featurelist ==] # loop over all the featurelists and get all that match featurelist (assuming it is an id) if dr_featurelist: # if dr_featurelist is not empty return dr_featurelist[0] # there should only be one id else: # if dr_featurelist is empty dr_featurelist = [x for x in featurelists if featurelist.lower() in str(] # use python's `in` to search strings if not dr_featurelist: # if dr_featurelist is empty raise Exception(f"No featurelists were found with the id/name of \'{featurelist}\'") elif len(dr_featurelist) > 1: # if dr_featurelist has more than 1 warn(f'More than one featurelist was found: \'{dr_featurelist}\', returning the first.') return dr_featurelist[0] else: # dr_Featurelist has 1 return dr_featurelist[0]
[docs]def parsimony_performance_boxplot(project: dr.Project, featurelist_prefix: str = 'RAPA Reduced to', starting_featurelist: str = None, metric: str = None, split: str = 'crossValidation', featurelist_lengths: list = None): """Uses `seaborn`'s `boxplot` function to plot featurelist size vs performance for all models that use that featurelist prefix. There is a different boxplot for each featurelist length. # TODO warn about multiple prefixes, try to use new prefixes :Paremeters: ---------- project: datarobot.Project Either a datarobot project, or a string of it's id or name featurelist_prefix: str, optional (default = 'RAPA Reduced to') The desired prefix for the featurelists that will be used for plotting parsimony performance. Each featurelist will start with the prefix, include a space, and then end with the number of features in that featurelist starting_featurelist: str, optional (default = None) The starting featurelist used for parsimony analysis. If None, only the featurelists with the desired prefix in `featurelist_prefix` will be plotted metric: str, optional (default = 'AUC' or 'RMSE') [classification and regression] The metric used for plotting accuracy of models split: str, optional (default = 'crossValidation') What split's performance to take from. Can be: ['crossValidation', 'holdout'] TODO: i think it can be more, double check featurelist_lengths: list, optional (default = None) A list of featurelist lengths to plot :Returns: ---------- None TODO: return plot? """ # if `project` is a string, find the project if type(project) is str: project = find_project(project) # if metric is missing, assume a metric if metric == None: if project.target_type == dr.TARGET_TYPE.BINARY or project.target_type == dr.TARGET_TYPE.MULTICLASS: # classification metric = 'AUC' elif project.target_type == dr.TARGET_TYPE.REGRESSION: # regression metric = 'RMSE' datarobot_project_models = project.get_models() # get all the models in the provided project if starting_featurelist: if type(starting_featurelist) == str: starting_featurelist = get_featurelist(starting_featurelist, project) num_starting_featurelist_features = len(starting_featurelist.features) featurelist_performances = defaultdict(list) for model in datarobot_project_models: # for every model, if the model has the prefix, then add it's performance if model.featurelist_name != None and featurelist_prefix in model.featurelist_name: num_features = int(model.featurelist_name.split(' ')[-1].strip('()')) # parse the number of features from the featurelist name if model.metrics[metric][split] != None: # if there is no feature impact for the model/split, don't add the metric if featurelist_lengths and num_features in featurelist_lengths: featurelist_performances[num_features].append(model.metrics[metric][split]) elif not featurelist_lengths: featurelist_performances[num_features].append(model.metrics[metric][split]) elif starting_featurelist and model.featurelist_id == # starting featurelist if model.metrics[metric][split] != None: # if there is no feature impact for the model/split, don't add the metric if featurelist_lengths and num_starting_featurelist_features in featurelist_lengths: featurelist_performances[num_starting_featurelist_features].append(model.metrics[metric][split]) elif not featurelist_lengths: featurelist_performances[num_starting_featurelist_features].append(model.metrics[metric][split]) # Add Nones so that the arrays are the same length last = 0 for key in featurelist_performances: m = max(last, len(featurelist_performances[key])) last = m for key in featurelist_performances: temp_len = len(featurelist_performances[key]) for _ in range(m-temp_len): featurelist_performances[key].append(None) featurelist_performances_df = pd.DataFrame(featurelist_performances)[sorted(featurelist_performances.keys())[::-1]] with'tableau-colorblind10'): plt.ylabel(f'{split} {metric}') plt.xlabel('Number of Features') plt.title(f'{project.project_name} - {featurelist_prefix}\nParsimonious Model Performance') sb.boxplot(data=featurelist_performances_df) return featurelist_performances_df
[docs]def feature_performance_stackplot(project: dr.Project, featurelist_prefix: str = 'RAPA Reduced to', starting_featurelist: str = None, feature_impact_metric: str = 'median', metric: str = None, vlines: bool = False): """Utilizes `matplotlib.pyplot.stackplot` to show feature performance during parsimony analysis. :Parameters: ---------- project: datarobot.Project Either a datarobot project, or a string of it's id or name featurelist_prefix: str, optional (default = 'RAPA Reduced to') The desired prefix for the featurelists that will be used for plotting feature performance. Each featurelist will start with the prefix, include a space, and then end with the number of features in that featurelist starting_featurelist: str, optional (default = None) The starting featurelist used for parsimony analysis. If None, only the featurelists with the desired prefix in `featurelist_prefix` will be plotted feature_impact_metric: str, optional (default = mean) Which metric to use when finding the most representative feature importance of all models in the featurelist Options: * median * mean * cumulative metric: str, optional (default = 'AUC' or 'RMSE') [classification and regression] Which metric to use when finding feature importance of each model vlines: bool, optional (default = False) Whether to add vertical lines at the featurelist lengths or not, False by default :Returns: ---------- None TODO: return plot? """ # if `project` is a string, find the project if type(project) is str: project = find_project(project) # if metric is missing, assume a metric if metric == None: if project.target_type == dr.TARGET_TYPE.BINARY or project.target_type == dr.TARGET_TYPE.MULTICLASS: # classification metric = 'AUC' elif project.target_type == dr.TARGET_TYPE.REGRESSION: # regression metric = 'RMSE' if starting_featurelist: if type(starting_featurelist) == str: starting_featurelist = get_featurelist(starting_featurelist, project) datarobot_project_models = project.get_models() # get all the models in the provided project if starting_featurelist != None: # have the starting featurelist as well all_feature_importances = {} for model in datarobot_project_models: if model.featurelist_name != None and (model.featurelist_name.startswith(featurelist_prefix) or model.featurelist_id == # if the model uses the starting featurelist/featurelist prefix if model.metrics[metric]['crossValidation'] != None: if model.featurelist_name in all_feature_importances.keys(): for x in model.get_or_request_feature_impact(): if x['featureName'] in all_feature_importances[model.featurelist_name].keys(): all_feature_importances[model.featurelist_name][x['featureName']].append(x['impactNormalized']) else: all_feature_importances[model.featurelist_name][x['featureName']] = [x['impactNormalized']] else: all_feature_importances[model.featurelist_name] = {} for x in model.get_or_request_feature_impact(): all_feature_importances[model.featurelist_name][x['featureName']] = [x['impactNormalized']] else: # same as if, but without starting featurelist all_feature_importances = {} for model in datarobot_project_models: if model.featurelist_name.startswith(featurelist_prefix): # if the model's featurelist starts with the featurelist prefix if model.metrics[metric]['crossValidation'] != None: if model.featurelist_name in all_feature_importances.keys(): for x in model.get_or_request_feature_impact(): if x['featureName'] in all_feature_importances[model.featurelist_name].keys(): all_feature_importances[model.featurelist_name][x['featureName']].append(x['impactNormalized']) else: all_feature_importances[model.featurelist_name][x['featureName']] = [x['impactNormalized']] else: all_feature_importances[model.featurelist_name] = {} for x in model.get_or_request_feature_impact(): all_feature_importances[model.featurelist_name][x['featureName']] = [x['impactNormalized']] for featurelist_name in all_feature_importances.keys(): for feature in all_feature_importances[featurelist_name].keys(): if feature_impact_metric.lower() == 'median': all_feature_importances[featurelist_name][feature] = median(all_feature_importances[featurelist_name][feature]) elif feature_impact_metric.lower() == 'mean': all_feature_importances[featurelist_name][feature] = mean(all_feature_importances[featurelist_name][feature]) elif feature_impact_metric.lower() == 'cumulative': all_feature_importances[featurelist_name][feature] = sum(all_feature_importances[featurelist_name][feature]) else: raise Exception(f'`feature_impact_metric` provided ({feature_impact_metric}) not accepted.\nOptions: \'median\', \'mean\', or \'cumulative\'') # create 1d array of dimension N (x), and 2d array of dimension MxN (y) for stackplot df = pd.DataFrame(all_feature_importances).replace({np.nan: 0}) if starting_featurelist != None: # rename starting_featurelist column to have the number of features df = df.rename(columns={ f'{} {len(starting_featurelist.features)}'}) df = df/df.sum() cols = [(int(x.split(' ')[-1].strip('()')), x) for x in list(df.columns)] # get a list of tuples where (# of features, column name) cols = sorted(cols)[::-1] # sorted descending by first object in tuple (featurelist size) x = [] y = [] for col in cols: x.append(str(col[0])) y.append(list(df[col[1]])) y = np.array(y) y = y.T featurelist_lengths = sorted([int(x.split(' ')[-1].strip('()')) for x in df.columns])[::-1] # descending list of featurelist lengths len_smallest_featurelist = min(featurelist_lengths) smallest_featurelist = featurelist_prefix + ' (' + str(len_smallest_featurelist) + ')' # if the length of the smallest featurelist is less than the number of features to label # get a featurelist that has a length higher than the minimum features to label for labeling purposes if len_smallest_featurelist < config.MIN_FEATURES_TO_LABEL: len_smallest_featurelist = config.MIN_FEATURES_TO_LABEL last_length = np.inf for length in featurelist_lengths: if length < len_smallest_featurelist: break last_length = length smallest_featurelist = featurelist_prefix + ' (' + str(last_length) + ')' # unreadable list comprehension really means: get a dictionary with keys that are the old column names (features), and values with new column names (starting with underscore) # at least show config.MIN_FEATURES_TO_GRAPH # this is so that the underscored names are not shown in the legend. labels = [{x:'_' + str(x)} if i > config.MAX_FEATURES_TO_LABEL or i >= len_smallest_featurelist else {x:x} for i, x in enumerate(df.loc[:,smallest_featurelist].sort_values(ascending=False).index)] l = {} for label in labels: l.update(label) df = df.rename(index=l) _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(config.FIG_SIZE[0], config.FIG_SIZE[1]/2)) plt.xlabel('Feature List Length') plt.ylabel('Normalized Feature Impact\n(Normalized Impact Normalized)') plt.title(f'{project.project_name} - {featurelist_prefix}\nFeature Impact Stackplot') if vlines: plt.vlines([z for z in range(1,len(x)-1)], ymin=0, ymax=1, linestyles='dashed') ax.stackplot(x, y, labels=list(df.index), ax.legend(loc='upper left') return None